
44310: 1998 1998cmp frc182 frc65 frc9 match robot score showbot video

1998 1998cmp frc182 frc65 frc9 match robot score showbot video // 632x480, 136.3s // 20MB
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fallinsideahole: The (bottom portion of the) 1998 Disney Showbot can be seen hanging out on stage (usually at the top of frame in the overhead shots) during this match

46153: 1998 1998cmp frc122 frc169 frc47 match robot

1998 1998cmp frc122 frc169 frc47 match robot // 525x394 // 197KB
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fallinsideahole: Near robot looks like it says 189 in this still but this is match 86 between 47, 122, and 169

44314: 1998 1998mi frc120 frc201 frc47 m19 match robot team video woodie_flowers

1998 1998mi frc120 frc201 frc47 m19 match robot team video woodie_flowers // 632x480, 143.3s // 20MB
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fallinsideahole: Somewhat contrary to the commentary, 201 Rochester ends up winning this match - Delphi has a one point ball doubled thrice and Rochester has a two and a one doubled thrice

45924: 1996 1996cmp frc155 frc171 frc20 m56 match robot video

1996 1996cmp frc155 frc171 frc20 m56 match robot video // 640x480, 115.5s // 17MB
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fallinsideahole: 155 also plays in this match but can hardly be seen in the video

45638: 1996 1996cmp frc-116 frc126 match robot team

1996 1996cmp frc-116 frc126 match robot team // 640x480 // 18MB
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fallinsideahole: Team -116's human player descores team 144's five point ball. Team -116 won the "Best Use of a Human Player" award at the 1996 New England Tournament

45573: 1991 1992 1992chicken 1992pig match robot

1991 1992 1992chicken 1992pig match robot // 1080x870 // 226KB
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fallinsideahole: A 1991 "test game" of Maize Craze with different ball starting locations and no central 25 point ball

45137: 1997 1997cmp 1997frc32 1997frc46 frc47 frc65 match robot

1997 1997cmp 1997frc32 1997frc46 frc47 frc65 match robot // 972x720 // 662KB
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fallinsideahole: The ending of semifinal 2 match 1

15320: 1995 frc191 robot team

1995 frc191 robot team // 375x278 // 84KB
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fallinsideahole: This is seemingly not the official 1995 Placebo, but instead a practice robot built by team 191 in 1995 to play against that was also called a "placebo" robot.

44942: 1997 1997frc81 1997il frc111 practice robot

1997 1997frc81 1997il frc111 practice robot // 352x262 // 114KB
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fallinsideahole: 111 descores 144's capper and three tubes in a practice match

44550: 1997 1997frc115 1997frc126 1997frc47 1997il frc141 frc150 frc67 score

1997 1997frc115 1997frc126 1997frc47 1997il frc141 frc150 frc67 score // 640x480 // 215KB
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fallinsideahole: Match four of the double elimination tournament, not qualification four
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